Clean Filters: Maintaining a healthy hot tub requires clean filters. The spa water contains body oils, dirt, and debris that filters remove. Over time, these substances build up in the filter and require cleaning. Depending on use, you should clean filters with a filter cleaner every 2-4 weeks. Filters can only be cleaned so many times before they need to be replaced; you should get new filter(s) for your spa at least once a year.
Daily Filtration: Set your hot tub to run the filtering cycle at least twice per day, for 2-6 hours each cycle. This helps ensure a clean and healthy hot tub experience.
Maintain Proper Water Level: Keep an eye on your water level. Too little water can lead to issues with your spa’s heater and pump. Every tub has its own water level. As a good rule of thumb, you should cover your topmost back jets or fill 3-4” above your filter. To be 100% certain, you should consult your hot tub’s owner manual.
Good Chemistry: A healthy hot tub has well-balanced chemistry. Check the water regularly using test strips and add the appropriate chemicals for proper balance.
Use A Cover: A spa cover helps save energy and prevent water loss. A cover will also protect your spa from debris and rainwater. For more information on the importance of using a hot tub cover, read “Why Do I Need A Spa Cover”
Drain, Clean & Refill: Even with regular maintenance, your spa will accumulate Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). Too much TDS can make it harder to keep your water clean and healthy. Depending on usage, every 3-4 months you should drain the spa. Once you have your spa drained you should blow out your lines, clean the shell, then refill it with fresh water and start your chemicals. Click here to learn about draining your hot tub.
By following these simple steps you can help to keep your hot tub in top condition while continuing to enjoy a relaxing spa experience. Remember to clean the filters regularly, balance your chemicals, maintain proper water levels, and use a cover to protect your spa from debris and rainwater. With these tips in mind, you can enjoy your hot tub for years to come.